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Article Title: Darwin's Religious Background
Author of reported comment: Danyel
Comment Date: 04:51 on Dec 9 2008
Comment: The bible does provide Christians with everything they need to live and face obstacles. God never said that this is how it is done like this in this order and he never said what time means. One day could really mean thousands. He just asked us to believe in him and his son. The evidence for evolution outways the evidence for the bible? The evidence for evolution was created by a human; the same people who are now killing the ozone, driving animals to extinction and killing each other on a daily basis. Humans are far from perfection and will do anything to save their own skin. God however is perfect and has knowlegde beyond what any of us could ever hope to understand. You hear all of the old myths abouts humans so eager to learn the secrets to the world and when their wish comes true it destroys them, why? Because we are not made to know everything, we wouldn't be able to handle it. God gave us free will and look at how we have destroyed our selves and everyone around us and you want to know the secrets to the universe?!?!?!?!?
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