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Article Title: Jonathan Ross And Russell Brand
Author of reported comment: Viv Neville
Comment Date: 10:12 on Nov 1 2008
Comment: Paul has presented this article in a balanced way, enabling us to consider the whole issue, which I am sure will be debated for some time to come. Prior to this event I have personally found Russell Brand and Jonathan Ross flagrant and often quite offensive. We refer to certain areas of journalism in the UK as "Gutter Press", it has been my opinion over the years at times Russell & Jonathan present us with "Gutter Entertainment. Call me a prude but I cannot watch or listen to them. I agree with Paul there are issues here of forgiveness, grace and mercy to consider but the biggest issue is common sense right and wrong. These guys have over-stepped the mark. However, the good that I am sure will come out of this is that it will force presenters to think before they speak in the future. I am all for good comedy but not to the depths that Russell & Jonathan have taking it. Viv Neville
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