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Article Title: Lessons From Lakeland
Author of reported comment: Mark
Comment Date: 03:56 on Sep 19 2008
Comment: What a great article!!! We are indeed so quick to throw stones. For those who want to call this thing demonic, let me ask you ... did all those whom God touched and healed and cast out demons through Judas Iscariot actually get all that done by the devil??? Jesus Himself sought His Father all night in prayer concerning whom He was to choose as His disciples, and Judas was one of them. Yes, Judas was used by God along with the other eleven. satan would not heal people and cause them to glorify God in heaven. satan would not cause people to repent of sin. The issue for US is not Todd Bentley, but our own propensity to idolatry. If you have ongoing relationship with Jesus, a man or woman of God whom God has used mightily but who then falls into sin or troubles should not shake your faith, because true "Christian" faith is a faith in the living Christ who has made Himself real to you.
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