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Article Title: Guitar Hero: Hendrix six string up for auction
Author of reported comment: Parsley Twinge
Comment Date: 14:48 on Sep 5 2008
Comment: Jason, Thank you for the interesting piece on Jimi's guitar (or on one of the many he played). It seems to me that the psychology behind people to acquire "pop relics" is none other than that which, for centuries, has driven the religious relics trade! All a bit worrying, and all a bit understandable! To have an "authentic" artefact - be it a partly carbonised Strat, an alleged Nail from The Cross, etc. - seems to provide a sensory link to the Object of one's faith at times when basic ideas slip out of focus, or are challenged by other things in life. Of course, with Jimi, he could do the wondrous with the fairly commonplace. ... Wait a minute. Does that theme stike a chord somewhere?
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