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Article Title: Belfast Revivalist
Author of reported comment: Robert Paul Boucher
Comment Date: 07:47 on Sep 4 2008
Comment: Our area has been blessed mightily by Worship Leader Robin Mark. The Lord has blessed Robin with a combination of fine musicianship and a servants heart to minister to people. His humbleness and unassuming Godly Focus....with his unique touch of dry wit / Irish humor ( Song...John Wesley) lends itself to engaging worship but to good hearted fun ! Looking forward to having Robin minister to our area once again on September 6, 2008. The Lord has blessed this man mightily and his ministry can be summed up in one of his songs..."When It's All Been Said and Done"......Have we truly done our best to serve the Lord.....When it's all been said and done You're my life when life is gone. Be Blessed my brothers and sisters......Be Blessed
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