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Article Title: The Florida Outpouring With Todd Bentley
Author of reported comment: D. Stephenson
Comment Date: 00:44 on Aug 24 2008
Comment: Many weeks ago I emailed God TV to express my deep concern that what was going on at Lakeland was not Scripturally sound. I was and am very troubled that many people are being harmed by what is going on there and broadcast into our homes hour upon hour! As I anticipated, I have never received a response to this email. People say that they are hungry for demonstrations of God's power and seem to see this as demonstrations of people falling to the ground, shaking in ways I have seen in people having seizures, supposedly in the power of the Holy Spirit! I examine the Scriptures and find nothing to back this theory. The demonstration I expect to see is in lives transformed as God works in the life of one submitted totally to him through conviction of sin and repentance; the appostle Paul is a classic example. As for healing, in James we are told that we should call for the elders to pray for us and annoint us with oil in the name of Jesus. No hype and no need to travel half way round the globe to receive this!
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