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Article Title: Michael's Fall
Author of reported comment: Kim Hagen
Comment Date: 11:14 on Aug 23 2008
Comment: Yes it is rather sad :( what is sadder is the untold damage this will do to those who supported him and to those unsaved. It is true that we need to base our faith on what Christ has done and finished on the cross. His grace is sufficient enough even for such a man, but in this day and age, it is equally as important to be aware of the deception of the day and time we live in. The bible talks of those in Matthew who perform signs and wonders all in the name of Christ and yet, strange... He never knew them!!! If we would only base our faith on the Word of God and not look to people in high places of Christian leadership, then watching a fallen man who's profession was wood, hay and stubble, wouldn't come as such a shock. After all, they are still human!!!
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