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Article Title: The Dark Knight
Author of reported comment: Paul
Comment Date: 10:56 on Aug 6 2008
Comment: I agree with Sarah (above), although the film is a blinding roller coaster of a ride it is in places down right nasty and I would have been very uncomfortable allowing young children watch it (Peter's favourite moment with the pencil for a start...I think you have been watching WAY too much Tarantino good buddy). As a Child Mental Health worker I think that allowing kids to watch emotionless violence and murder as handed out by the joker (I thought Ledger was amazing by the way) would not act as warning but could, and mean COULD encourage some young minds rather than discourage. Just a thought! that's all. In my day (I'm 47) a film like this would have had an X rating (that's 18 for you young un's). And how did they do Harvey Dents face?....incredible. Go and see this film if you like to hide behind the sofa during Dr Who. But don't take the kids.
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