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Article Title: 20 Yrs 3 Mths & 12 Days
Author of reported comment: dinah
Comment Date: 14:55 on Aug 1 2008
Comment: I am a 51 year old holy ghost filled grandmoter of 9. I lost my husband in a car accident 2 years ago on July 22. Since his I began to listen to hip hop gospel artist because they really have a story to tell. You and other artist such as Mary Mary have been life savers for me as well as keeping me on the pathway of righteousness. Many saints my age are opposed to hip hop gospel but when I share your music with them they immediate make a paradigm shift. Baby keep on doing your thing for God allowing the Holy Ghot to lead you our young people need you because in the end it is all about Jehovah the almighty and his son Jesus Christ
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