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Article Title: Sexual Orientation Regulations 2006
Author of reported comment: joey
Comment Date: 06:33 on May 14 2008
Comment: I can't believe someone on here(Dan Murphy) made a comparison to homosexuality and murder. I hope your just ignorant and not stupid. Ignorance can be fixed, but stupidity is forever. then there's Niel (the youth pastor) -who has this to say ....."we are called by God to keep the sanctity and purity of His people and buildings - which means turning people away. God calls all of us to be pure in thought & deed - homosexuality is not this." Niel - I am gay. God made me and I know he loves me. I AM one of His people. If all sinners were turned away then God would have a empty house. God is not with you only in the church, he is always with you no matter where you go.
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