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Article Title: Country Hit For Katie
Author of reported comment: Katie's Dad
Comment Date: 23:35 on Apr 23 2008
Comment: Hi concerned CCM Fan... I just wanted to respond to your question about why Katie decided to record the song "Anyway". We were driving home from a concert in Illinois, and Katie heard that song on the radio. She immediately began to cry because she felt the song mirrored her life and testimony. She has dreamed a dream that felt out of reach, she has sung songs of praise to God that fell on deaf ears, she has prayed out of obedience, not knowing the outcome. She felt God speaking to her through that song, and knew that if He could speak to her that way, He would speak to others as well. She felt God telling her to bring this song to His people, and she was obedient. The difference between her singing Anyway, and Carrie Underwood singing "Jesus Take the Wheel" is that Katie has made a stand for Jesus and has indentified herself as a CCM artist. Carrie is a mainstream artist who's never chosen to proclaim her faith in her music, or take a public stand as a Christain. Though I do believe you can be a mainstream artist, and also be a genuine believer. "Anyway" became Katie's highest charting song on Christian radio, not because it was a "cover" tune, but because people connected to the lyric, and felt the Holy Spirit speaking to them when they listened. I hope this helps you understand. God bless.
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