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Article Title: World Malaria Day
Author of reported comment: Hanson Maduagwu
Comment Date: 16:48 on Mar 11 2008
Comment: This is the kind of thing that Malaria endemic countries need, this kind of support can go along way to saving a lot of lives. Already many people in Africa are saved by the efforts of Roll Back Malaria Partners, WHO, UNICEF, UNFPA, USAID, Nollywood Initiatives, and many others. If the rest of the world turns their back on developing nations , they will never get better and will infect the developed nations one way or another. For example malaria needs human cells to reproduce and these cells replicate so quickly and ones their is blood contact between either party........ Cheers to Rebecca St James for a worthy initiative. we hope that one day she would come over to Nigeria and feature in one of our Nollywood Movies!!
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