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Article Title: Larry Norman - 1947-2008
Author of reported comment: Mark V
Comment Date: 06:19 on Feb 29 2008
Comment: I've seen Larry Norman twice in concert. Once at a local Wesleyan college, the other at a High school in St Catherines Ontario w/ Randy Stonehill. He alway s seemed both standoffish yet inviting and approachable, a dichotomy in the truest sense yet totally like the Jesus of the gospels, always apprehending those from the edge of their precipice while never mincing the needed words to thrust us over that same very edge into the risk of darkness to the death of self in order to really enter the light of life! His music is like that too, like the gospels, one minute your drawn in, the next, frightened for fear of too much exposure to the naked truth of our wearing fig leaves the whole time while telling God we're innocent of the crime. He had a way of using understatement in shouting from the rooftops the truth at hand, as in songs like "Pardon Me" regarding casual sexual fulfilment or ones poor self esteem in "Baroquen Spirits" in the end he taught by reaching out as a vulnerable soul "Lonely by Myself" and as one who carried the scars of a wounded soldier in brokenness, not laying the blame on others more deserving of the crimes of their sins. [Shot Down] It seemed to me that Larry was more intent to allow people at his concerts to feel more relaxed and in the company of a Christian brother than as some distant rock star's perpetual vanity by the way he promoted group singing and casual banter at his concerts. In the end I'm sure we'll all have to admit that our lives are much richer for the friendship he has given us through his songs, and we can know that "When this good life ends, a better one begins.
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