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Article Title: Country Hit For Katie
Author of reported comment: Jean Gering
Comment Date: 20:25 on Jan 22 2008
Comment: Most parents do not have worries about the future until it becomes obvious but we parents know that every child has their struggles - and being a parent and involved in their career can be a two edge sword as the child innately wants to please the parent and the artist will try to please the manager. It is doubtful she will learn to stand as an individual and grow in her own independence w/both of these factors. Your daughter's talent is obvious however only she can decide what direction she feels led to go w/her career and she may be satisfied w/the limitations of where she lives and how the industry is more active in bigger cities - but also another aspect is the pressure of the industry to look a certain way. We still live in a industry where there are very few XL music artists out there. I providing some food for thought here -that has less calories.
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