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Article Title: Out Of The Dust
Author of reported comment: Ken Daniels
Comment Date: 09:19 on Jan 19 2008
Comment: I bought the cd in 97 from Sound & Spirit(BMG) while I was going through a rough time of my life. My wife had just left me with two small boys to raise on my own. At the same time Jesus had made himself more real to me than he had ever done before. i had never heard of human and just randomly ordered the album.(or so I thought) You guys were used of God to lift my spirit at a time when I needed it most. Things are better now, I am remarried now, we just celebrated our 8th anniversary and we are expecting our ninth child (Sarah) in three months. I can't tell you how many times I would be feeling down and your music with God's annointing pulled me through. Thanks again, God Bless you guys. I thank God that you listened and obeyed Gods call. You have an awesome gifting!!!!
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