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Article Title: Creation Museum Opens
Author of reported comment: S.MacLaren
Comment Date: 15:29 on Nov 23 2007
Comment: Steve, uses the terms 'micro' and 'macro' evolution. These are probably not such useful terms, as even the 'micro' one appears to mean still onward and upward genetic and organic complexity, which I do not accept has happened (and which AIG agues so well against) and the fossil record neither reveals either. If you or anyone else is a believer in any sort of evolution I would refer you to comments made by me in response to a similar argument over the supposed evolution of bacterial resistance to anti microbials. I hope you might be able to read it, but of course I don't expect you to take it from me. I think you will find, if you carefully read around this subject that there is good reason to believe that ADAPTATION and often the decreasing variation in an organism that goes with adaptation and selection of advantageous traits - is not evolution per se, but simply natural selection. And despite what the BBC and the media think, this is NOT Darwinian evolution at all. No further complexity is being added to the organism. See 'Creationists Threaten Human Rights?' by Paul Taylor on this site.
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