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Article Title: Undone
Author of reported comment: Vince
Comment Date: 10:40 on Sep 6 2007
Comment: I am not saying that I don't rate this review, but who is John Baugh? Does he really think that "Redemption", "Forever", "There's No Other" and "Most Beautiful" are lyrically "basic"? When you consider what some of the big name writers are producing, I think there's little comparison. To illustrate my point here are the words to Forever.... Forever I’ll proclaim the cross Where Christ retrieved what once was lost. To sin and death I was a slave, Till He redeemed me from the grave. The Lord laid my iniquity On Him to bring me life and peace. His blood was shed to set me free; He purchased me, And paid the price at Calvary. I cannot help but humbled be To see His righteous majesty, In humility depart His throne To claim a cross I should have owned. The King of all eternity Was pierced and hung upon a tree, And the curse that held Him there my sin, I cannot bear. I cast my burden all on Him. His mercy like a crimson tide Came flowing from His piercèd side, To cleanse me from my every sin, Who selfishly abandoned Him. I surely have no place for pride, Like Peter, I could Him deny, And in my hands I hold the nails, Yet mercy sure, Yet mercy sure, Yet mercy sure, Still bids me come within the veil. Oh, glory be to Jesus Christ Who gave Himself to bring me life. No longer dead He is alive; Ascended Christ is glorified. In heaven shall I behold the scars On hands that orchestrate the stars, And I will humbly bow the knee Before His throne, And worship Him eternally. Written by Matt Giles (used with permission). Who ever said it was a worship CD and which are the "songs of thanks and praise"? It's mostly an album of awe and realisation! Listen and make your own mind up.
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