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Article Title: Is There Hope For Marriage?
Author of reported comment: bud
Comment Date: 15:05 on May 28 2007
Comment: Do you think theres hope,what shall i do ? We have been married for 22 years we have been together since 9th wife says she loves me but is not in love with me any more and has filed for a divorce.we have started the procedings but im still madly in love with her..Ive drank and played cards for the last 2 years every weekend,and i have neglected her,took her for granite,not help her in our shop,and never to her any where.ive gotten domestic violence charges from her and even went to still waiting sentencing on them.she wanted a divorce before that but i now have a no contact order on me and i cant even talk to her.I love her deeply and i care for no other women.Do you think theres hope ? any comments or sugestions will help.and by the way she is of catholic faith but i hope adultry is not a factor here on her part,i never had a reason not to trust her, but she has been hurting for some time and could of been very vaunerable.please tell me what you think... thanks very much for reading this ,,,
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