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Article Title: Gypsy Carns The Blues Playing Preacher
Author of reported comment: fagan arouh
Comment Date: 18:31 on May 13 2007
Comment: i knew Gypsy "Michael" Carns in '79-'80 when we played together in a band called The Smashers in Nashville. We needed a bass player and according to our producer, Michael Snow, this guy was a good guitar player who could easily handle playing bass. We checked him out, and he us, and he liked our music and seemed anxious to join. So anxious he was willing to trade his Les Paul Custom,which i still own and love, for an old Hoffner Beatle bass which we insisted that he play. We loved the Beatles probably more than anyone should. This was a whole new type of band for Gypsy. The recordings he played for us were of a more standard style hard rockin' kind of Bad Companyish music that we weren't really playing. We were more sweet ballady punky 3 part harmony stuff that wasn't about to ever come back in style. Still Gypsy saw some worth in it. We were also on the verge of a record deal which ended up being alot of heartbreak and disillusionment. From the beginning i could see that Gypsy needed to be a front man and not a side man. Back up vocals and bass was not his destiny. I'm glad to see he's found his niche in music. Gypsy, thanks for all the fun we had playing rock stars together. If you want to check out some sexy photos of the dude google "The Smashers" and see why all the girls went crazy for him. Tons of photos are there.
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