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Article Title: Max Divorce
Author of reported comment: Mike
Comment Date: 10:47 on May 10 2007
Comment: I have replied to Mark's comment below and you will see my reasoning for judging below. I agree that judging is very serious but I don't see it as off limits. Judging "in vain" is going to be thrown back at me by God and I will have to answer to it. I did check out the lyrics again today and only see that Poetry is up for many different opinions. Is he saying that if a marriage is golden/perfect to hold it and if not...try and make it work but if it is not great, just let it go? I don't mean to make a "big deal" of Kevin. It is just that he would be one of the last ones that I thought it would happen to and it is shocking to me. Like in the other reply, it could be Sandy Patti or any other big time or NO NAME christian. My point is just that we should both put God first in our lives and let him lead our marriages or anything else that we do. With God as the center point, what foe can stand against us? None. Kevin, Sandy, etc. will still be a strong message carrier, but they could be stronger and the world would not have another flaw to point at. Here would be the last thing to add...I deal with children almost day in and day out that are considered "problem children." If you go back to the beginning when the issues started on most of the kids, you will see the year the parents went their ways. Because "it's not gold" our children often grow up in this manner. Granted not all will but just the other day I went on a field trip with my son and his friend. The friend said that he was happy that I came and from out of the blue, he said my mom and dad broke up and my mom wanted me. I had to stop and reassure him that they both love him. But, he sees it that way...with his own perception.
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