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Article Title: Breakthrough
Author of reported comment: Russell Youngs
Comment Date: 13:41 on Mar 16 2007
Comment: Thanks for the article as I now have the artist names in my quest to learn more about TFK. I first heard Breathe you In on the Radio while driving my car to work without knowing the artist TFK. I searched for about 3 weeks hoping to catch the song title and listening to internet radio. One morning I needed to be lifted up and asked God for help. I turned on the internet radio and the song Breathe you In started playing and it was then I learned that it was Thousand Foot Krutch. I immediately purchased the Art of Breaking album, burned it to cd and have already played it several times through in only a week. 10 yrs ago I was a Heavy Metal fan and gave all my cds away. I now, knowing I am free in Christ and believe Christian Rock doesn't offend God, have discovered it's ok to worship him this way especially when I can understand most of the lyrics.
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