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Article Title: Spring Harvest
Author of reported comment: Rachel Miller
Comment Date: 11:42 on Mar 14 2007
Comment: Im going to Spring Harvest this year with my four friends, can't wait always sooooo fun and always a fantatic experience and always leads me on the next in my faith. I read the article on Cross Rythums about the artists that will be at each week, Bethany Dillion is to be confirmed as to which week she will go to Personal request Week 2 Mine head pleeeeeeeease Ibrought he album last year, her music is AMAZING, I would so LOVE if I could see her at Spring Harvest pleeease if anyone at cross rythums knows her please tell her to go, if you cant ill understand, but it would just be great because the lyrics to her songs have been so inspiring to me!!!!!!!!! Rachel xx
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