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Article Title: Sexual Orientation Regulations 2006
Author of reported comment: Shaun
Comment Date: 18:06 on Feb 5 2007
Comment: It is also clear that people quote scripture to support that Christians should support a bill that makes lawlessness law. It is still sin, people, no matter how you may cut it or slice it. The church needs to get back to basics and start doing God's things in God's way, and calling Bible things by Bible names! If something today is described as wicked, it is meaning good... wrong, it is not good, wicked remains wicked as well as evil, and such is the sin of homosexuality. These very regulations are discriminatory against Christians...curtailing our freedom of speech, and religion. We do not stop homosexuals from being who they are, we do say it is a sin, and therefore God will not tolerate it, but why should I be curtailed from being who I am? If I cannot display Christian literature in case it offends a homosexual, then homosexual literature ought not to be displayed either as it offends me! Too often the difference between fact and fiction is distorted, in the same way the difference between dislike and discrimination gets distorted. If I am driving, and a person drives dangerously in front of me, and I say out loud "you idiot", it is acceptable, but if the person that drives dangerously is not the same race as I am, I am now being a racialist? I do not think so, it is the same with this bill. This bill is wholly wrong and an abomination before God. Get back to the Christian country we purport to be and do what God wants and not pass this bill.
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