Cathy Burton - Burn Out

Monday 13th May 2002
Cathy Burton - Burn Out
Cathy Burton - Burn Out

RATING 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10
RRP: £9.99

Reviewed by Nigel Harris

It was only in CR65 that Tony Cummings gave Cathy Burton an awesome 10 squares for her new independent release 'Burn Out'. In the accompanying interview Mike Rimmer asked prophetically, "You have plenty of connections with Delirious?. How come you're not the first act to be signed to Furious? Records?" A few months later the album has been completely remixed and Fierce! have picked it up. If you haven't heard some of this album already on Cross Rhythms radio I can confirm that the re-mix definitely retains the full marks rating of the original release. I couldn't find any Delirious? personnel or connections among the names listed in the liner notes, and although there are some hints of Delirious-esque riffs and guitar solos, this is very much Cathy's own thing. She combines superbly versatile vocals with some very thought provoking songwriting. Go out and buy this album and give this young lady your support.

The opinions expressed in this article are not necessarily those held by Cross Rhythms. Any expressed views were accurate at the time of publishing but may or may not reflect the views of the individuals concerned at a later date.

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Sample Track Listing:
2. Take Me Out [Listen]
4. The Fuss [Listen]
9. To Say You Love [Listen]

This track data is supplied by the Cross Rhythms CD/DVD review library. Please note that CD tracks may vary according to release region or product version.

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