CPR - In The Business

Published Monday 29th August 2016
CPR - In The Business
CPR - In The Business

RATING 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8
OUR PRODUCT CODE: 161800-23996
LABEL: Thumper Punk
FORMAT: CD Mini-album

Reviewed by Paul S Ganney

CPR stands for Christian Punk Rock so you know what you're in for before hitting "play". The opening track, "Die", sets the scene well: a sneering vocal, 100mph drumming, aggressive distorted guitars (more Sex Pistols than Buzzcocks) and driving bass. Then there's the lyric: "Die" is more about hope, more "die to yourself" than "you might as well." and this is a Californian band who take seriously the idea that music can point to salvation. All seven tracks are under three minutes and most are under two, so it's classic punk, well played (even with the odd solo) and screaming attitude at you all the way. Even the gaps between tracks are brief and to the point. It reminded me of classic stuff like the Bill Mason Band's only CD, but without the subtle stuff. They pace it well, dropping in the (for them) slower "Straight" at exactly the right point. It's also the longest track. 'In The Business' improves as it goes on: it starts off by hitting you hard and then brings in other elements to keep you listening. It means that the better tracks are towards the end of the CD, but guarantees a great finish.

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