Christian rock star calls industry on lifestyle
THE LEADER of highly thought of Christian rock band Circle Of Dust, Klay
Scott, has made a withering denouncement of the US Christian music
industry in the January/February issue of America's HM magazine. He
stated. "You're guaranteed to sell thousands of units if you're on a
Christian label and a few thousand more if you mention God a lot in
your lyrics. I know first hand of the consistent drug usage, sexual
promiscuity among groupies, alcohol, 'bad language', pornos etc that
some of the so-called 'Christian' artists are involved in. That's not
to say that scenario represents everyone, but for sure some of your
'preach-from-the-stage', 'rockin' for the rock' bands should get out
of the Christian thing if they aren't going to live it. But who can
blame them when the record execs are setting a fine example and
extorting the bands for money on top of it."