Trampolines: EDM/hip-hop worth jumping up and down to

Thursday 16th May 2024

Tony Cummings reports on Nashville-based duo TRAMPOLINES


As everybody knows trampolines are bouncy things much loved by children and gymnasts to show off their moves. As fewer people know, Trampolines are a bouncy duo much loved by EDM and hip-hop groovers to show off their moves. The latter Trampolines are also loved by radio listeners and their Cross Rhythms radio hits "Wake Up", "Shotgun" and "Amen To That" prove that Nashville can deliver much more than country, rock and CCM.

Consisting of husband and wife Cary and Lane Terzieff, the duo have stretched the EDM/hip-hop genres into some intriguing areas. Lane described their sound. "We love so many different styles of music that it is honestly tough for us to finish a song in the same way we started it. We may have a violin, a dubstep bass, a metal scream and sample a piece of bamboo for the snare drum all at the same time. Ultimately, we just enjoy having fun and exerting energy whether it's pop, hip-hop, EDM, etc. Influence is a tough question, I think there are a lot of artists out there that could be more intentional with their message and what influence they have. Some of our favourites musically range from Lil Jon to Lecrae, and Hans Zimmer to Family Force 5."

The much-travelled group were asked what their ever-growing bands of supporters might take from Trampolines' music. "That you can worship God in ANYTHING and EVERYTHING you do! And that what God has done for us and is doing for us is worth jumping up and down out of excitement for. A lot of artists still say 'be yourself' but we really want to inspire people to find their message and their purpose in what they are doing and go 100 percent with it."

The duo have come a long way since their first single "Jesus 10x" in 2020. Louder Than The Music website asked Lane to define success in their long running ministry. "It's changed a lot recently which has allowed us to be 100 percent ourselves. Success is the journey, not the destination, and we are enjoying the ride. To continue rocking the good news on any stage to any person in any place would be awesome. Also, doing mission work in each place we go with amazing mission organizations and even freelance." CR

The opinions expressed in this article are not necessarily those held by Cross Rhythms. Any expressed views were accurate at the time of publishing but may or may not reflect the views of the individuals concerned at a later date.
About Tony Cummings
Tony CummingsTony Cummings is the music editor for Cross Rhythms website and attends Grace Church in Stoke-on-Trent.


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