In CR's review of 'Goeachead', the debut CD by Alias, our reviewer suggested the team were the 'Most Improved Band Of The Year'. We gave the band's leader Tim Simpkins the 40 question grilling.
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29. Which song do you wish you'd written?
30. What band would you most like to support?
"US American alternative band Soul Coughing. Not many people would
turn up to watch them but we'd enjoy it."
31. What is the most significant thing God has taught
"Patience and to remain humble."
32. What is your favourite Christian music artist?
"Mudhead's Monkey."
33. What is your favourite meal out?
"An Indian.
But after a gig it's always a kebab."
34. Who is the most inspiring preacher you've ever
"John Smith."
35. Can rock music change the world?
"No, but
ifs a useful tool."
36. Who would you like to produce your next album?
"Jez Coad again because he's fantastic."
37. Have you ever won any money on the lottery?
"I've never entered."
38. Choose, a night in with your favourite video or a night
out with Fergie?
"A night out with Fergie so that she
could foot the bill
39. With whom would you like to be stuck in a
"The other members of Alias with our instruments."
40. What's the biggest lie you've ever been told?
"That the tooth fairy exists."