2 Corinthians 13: 5, Prov 4: 23, Prov 10: 9, Prov 3: 7

Glyn Barrett
Glyn Barrett

Last year I had trouble sleeping, so I went to the doctors. Not sure about you, but I am not a big fan of the waiting rooms; people always seem to be ill ad I don't want to sit near them! The magazines are never the new ones, its always some old ladies knitting magazine from the 1970's or a woman's magazine telling me 7 new ways to a summer beach body in only 7 seconds! Neither of these are worthy reading material. But I hope you find this article to be helpful.

When I finally saw the doctor he kept asking me question after question after question, like what do you eat? What exercise do you do? What is your diary like? When do you rest? Do you feel stressed? What are your sleep habits like? After answering as honestly as I could, he said this, your lifestyle is not able to keep you on the path you want to run. Your body cannot handle the pace you are going. To continue, you have to change things in your life.

So in response I had to look at my exercise regime, my sleep habits, my eating habits, and change loads of them. The result after 8 months, a fitter, leaner, more able, stronger, better me. I sleep well, I can handle situations with more ease. It really has changed my life.

Was it the doctors amazing advice? Yes, partly, but also because his questions forced me to take an honest look at myself and act upon it. The doctors questioning reminded me of a Bible verse in 2 Corinthians 13: 5

'Test yourselves to make sure you are solid in the faith. Don't drift along taking everything for granted. Give yourself regular checkups. You need first hand evidence, not mere hearsay that Jesus Christ is in you'.

The Bible is clear that we as people are made up of body, spirit and soul, and if we want to be at our best we need to look after all three areas. I am passionate about you becoming a bigger, better, faster and stronger you. Our nation needs it! So the next time you sit down to connect with God why not sort a check up. Pray, and ask yourself the questions below.

They are sorted into 3 sections:-

  • Heart - Prov 4: 23 'Above all else, guard your heart, for out of it flows the issues of life.' Your heart controls your life, so KEEP it in good condition. It needs you to check it up periodically to keep it clean.

  • Weight - Prov 10: 9 'The man of integrity walks securely.' Integrity can be summed up as this, it's your inner man, the real you. A man of integrity will be the same in all situations, the same on a Monday as a Sunday, the same at home as at work or school. The heavier the real you becomes, the more secure you will find life.

  • Height - Prov 3: 7 'Do not be wise in your own eyes, fear the lord and shun evil. This will bring health to your body and nourishment to your bones'. You were designed to grow and become better, but so often people try their own ways of growing, but God says, look to me for all the wisdom you need to grow in influence, favor, and stature.

So check these out...be honest and act upon whatever you think you need to do.


What am I thanking God for?

Am I holding any grudges towards anyone?

Am I jealous of anyone?

Do I put anyone down?

What do I give to?

What could I give away?

What makes me feel secure?

Who am I intimidated by?

When did I last lose it?


How regular are my quiet times?

Could I improve them?

What's the thing God is talking to me about just now?

What's the most helpful thing I have learnt?

Who have I helped grow?

Who have I witnessed to?


How am I developing myself?

Am I serving with a good attitude?

Who challenges me?

Who can I talk to?

Who inspires me?

When was I last accountable to someone?

Where do I want to be in a month?

Who have I blessed?

When did I last pray for or encourage a leader?

Our nation needs healthy strong, young people who challenge other people just by their revolutionary lifestyle. I believe that you can make a difference and start a revolution in your town.

Go on...get healthy! CR

The opinions expressed in this article are not necessarily those held by Cross Rhythms. Any expressed views were accurate at the time of publishing but may or may not reflect the views of the individuals concerned at a later date.