Paul Calvert spoke with George Abdo, Deputy Director of the Shepherd Society

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George: Yes, this is what we tell our brothers and sisters in Christ about the importance of their support to the people here, especially the Christians, because most of the people who left the country did not leave because they want to live in America or in Europe or in another country abroad, but the hard situation has forced them to leave this country. They did not leave because they want to leave; they left the country because they say there is no future for them here. There is no future for their children. So we hope that the people who hear us, to keep the Palestinian Christians in their prayers and to support the people, the Christians, to stay here in this country.

Paul: Why do you do what you are doing here today?

George: I do this because I like working with the people. I like to be a social worker. I like to feel with the people who are suffering because of the economic situation, so it's satisfying for me. I feel that the Lord wants me to work and to serve him through the Shepherd Society.

Paul: What's your prayer for the people in Bethlehem, particularly the poor people of Bethlehem?

George: I pray that the Lord, he know the needs of the poor here and my prayer is that God will provide their needs and to have job opportunities to the people who have skills, but they don't have the opportunities to work.

Paul: And what's your website for people who would like to know more?

George: They can visit our website, its They can visit our website and they can email us if they would like to know more about the Shepherd Society. If they have questions we will answer them. CR

The opinions expressed in this article are not necessarily those held by Cross Rhythms. Any expressed views were accurate at the time of publishing but may or may not reflect the views of the individuals concerned at a later date.