Paul Calvert spoke with Josh Reinstein, the Director of the Knesset Christian Allies Caucus

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Josh: I am a Jew who believes in the Bible. I'm a practicing Jew. I know that the nations are supposed to come up to Jerusalem and I know that this is God's will that the people of the Bible will come together and defend his land. I think there is a place for all religions here in Jerusalem, but more practically I see that there are hundreds of millions of people out there that love Israel and I want to help coordinate them and to funnel that support to Israel, by turning that support into political support and that's really what I want to do. I'm here to serve Israel and to do my best to mobilise support for Israel.

Paul: What's your prayer for this special relationship?

Josh: I just pray that it grows and that mutual trust on both sides grow as well. This has not been an easy relationship to begin because of past transgressions and a very dicey history, but I see Jews and Christians coming together and I think this is the first time that Jews and Christians come together since we parted ways over 2000 years ago. I am reminded of a verse in Ecclesiastes by King Solomon, 'Every time there is a season, a purpose under heaven' and I believe the 21st Century has brought a new season upon us and no-one of faith with eyes to see can doubt that we have a grand purpose under heaven before us and that the time is now, so my blessing is that this relationship strengthens and continues to build throughout the years in defence of God's land.

Paul: Do you have a website for people who would like to know more?

Josh: Yes its and you can contact us too via Facebook at Knesset Christian Allies Caucus. CR

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